quarta-feira, 5 de outubro de 2022

The fairy and the sunflower

One last time before she left, she went to the places that reminded her of the sunflower. Once again, she felt the throat closing and a huge heaviness on her chest. However, at the same time, revisiting these places without her was also a healing process.

Maybe leaving this city will be the best thing for her right now. She doesn’t know for how long she would be able to keep this secret with her. For a couple of months it has been hard not to show all the love and the feelings she has regarding her. Maybe the most difficult moment happened on the last night she saw her.

There was this brief instant where they stayed staring at each other. The fairy couldn’t keep her eyes directly to hers. She would have shown all the love that is overflowing her body, soul and mind. So, she stopped looking at her big beautiful eyes and tried to find a silly and new subject.

But this doesn’t matter anymore. This phase has ended and the fairy will be entering in a new season just in a few days. What will she bring from all these encounters? Maybe she can stick with all the experience they exchanged. And, even better, keep the sunflower in her life, although in the distance.

Perhaps, that was the best way of leading this journey to a successful result. No words of love have been spoked, no promises, no pain on the other side, only good memories and the safety of the friendship that was built. All this path was always supposed to end and it’s much simpler to say goodbye to a friend than to the love of your life.

Maybe the sunflower would say no to her and the fairy would feel awful. But it could be worse, she could love her too and suffer together with her. And the fairy could not bear to see a tiny small gesture of sadness in the sunflower. She wants only the best for her, all the joy, success and love.

Also ist sie jetzt sicher! Every decision, every meeting, every laugh, advice, hug, everything that happened between those two was for the best. Who knows if they will be reunited. But the fairy likes to think that they are meant to be together someday. If that is true, they will see each other not too far from now and she will be able to tell her everything for once. 

Until then, she leaves her confession on her public messy diary, hoping that she made the best choice, hoping that life helps her to feel less sad and hurt and that she gains the present of at least hugging her again someday, like the recent hug. Because, you see, darling reader, everything that comes from the sunflower is a gift. Her smile and laugh, her thoughts, her attention, her complex personality, her affection, her hugs, even to be in love with her is a precious gift that the fairy accepts in her every breath. 

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